DOT physical now for a requirement for starting automobile driving school and believed to write a fast post to allow you to know what it is like. Most CDL training colleges and all trucking companies require you to pass a DOT physical before you start any truck driving job, and then again every two decades. For those of you who want to understand involved and there consequence with the DOT physical Jersey City. Here's the scoop.
Overall, the physical is kind of a joke. I first had to fill out some paperwork and release forms so the medical center could share the info with my training faculty. I am telling you guys, they do not mess around with alcohol or drugs in this industry. Not only was I drugs tested for the bodily, but after obtaining my CDL, I will be asked to take random drug and alcohol evaluations.
Regardless of what your views on drug usage, drug testing or drug prohibition are, even marijuana, realize that it's not tolerated at all. If you smoke some bud during your house